The Italian Ministry of Health has activated Marburg virus surveillance measures for personnel of governmental, nongovernmental, and cooperating organizations employed in all territories of Rwanda as part of international cooperation projects.
The health surveillance procedure applies to all the aforementioned personnel returning to Italy from all territories in Rwanda. The following measures are envisaged:
- At least 48 hours in advance, or in any case as soon as return flight data are known, the following information must be sent:
– Details of the person returning to Italy;
– Travel itinerary and details of the return flight;
– Statement ( inItalian/English) signed by legal representative of the NGO/project manager and, where possible, the organization’s doctor;
– Copy of the health insurance of the operator returning to Italy.
The documents should be sent via email to the following addresses:;;;; - Before departure, it is necessary to fill out a medical history form with biographical data and other information not subject to change during the trip. The form should be carried along, and kept at hands at all times, taking care to update it with any body temperature readings taken by Health Authorities during boarding/landings.
- Upon arrival in Italy, before disembarking, health checks will occurr.
The flight will only be allowed to land at the destination airport if no symptoms have arisen during the flight. In the event of the onset of one or more symptoms, the passenger should immediately report the circumstance to the flight crew and the plane will be diverted to the Fiumicino or Malpensa medical airports.
This guidance may be subject to change based on the epidemiological development of the event.
More information about the event is available on the WHO website ( and the Ministry of Health website (