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Conference and Exhibition: From the North Pole to the Equator – The Duke of the Abruzzi’s Exploration Voyages

The Embassy of Italy, with the participation of the Ministry of Tourism, Wildlife and Antiquities of Uganda, organized a conference and photo-exhibition on the expeditions of Luigi Amedeo of Savoy-Aosta, Duke of the Abruzzi, a passionate mountaineer and explorer of his time. The conference and the opening of the exhibition took place on Friday 27 April at 5.30pm at Makerere University’s Art Gallery. The Embassy thanks the panelists that participated in the conference: Prof. Edward Kirumira, Principal, College of Humanities and Social Sciences dell’Università di Makerere; Dr. Sam Mwandha, Executive Director dell’Uganda Wildlife Authority; Dr. David Duli, Executive Director del World Wildlife Fund Uganda; Dr. Stephen Asiimwe, Chief Executive Officer dell’Uganda Tourism Board; Prof Cecilia Pennacini, Director of the Italian Ethnological Mission to Equatorial Africa and of the Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography of the University of Torino (Italy). A special thank goes to the guest of honor of the evening, the Minister of Tourism, Wildlife and Antiquities, Hon. Prof. Ephraim Kamuntu.
The exhibition will be displayed until 28 May.
For further information please see:

press release

– photos

– Presentation – Professor Cecilia Pennacini